Lesson 4: Poultry Cuts
- Base all cutup prices off of a whole chicken.
- Cutup a whole chicken, weigh it out and do your own math.
- Whole cutup chickens do not vacuum seal well.
- We also didn't sell these very well and only offer thru the CSA.
- We also tried “half” chickens and had the same issues.
- Do skin on, bone-in breasts if possible
- Leave the wish bone and cartridge, not the “rib”.
- Rule of thumb: Chicken breast should be 2X (+) your whole chicken price/lb.
- Package your dark meat as a “leg quarter”
- Thighs sell really well and drumsticks do not.
- Make someone buy the drum to get the thigh.
- Package two “chicken frames” together to help move them along.
- Keep giblets and feet for added profit, but do the math carefully!