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Start Your Farm Now - Sales, Marketing and Business Course
1. Entrepreneurship 101
The Reality of Starting & Running Your Own Business
Reason #1: Not Knowing What You Really Want
Reason #2: It Might Not Be a Fit Now
Reason #3: The Family Falls Apart
Reason #4: Running a "Business" That is Really a Hobby
Reason #5: Poor Enterprise Selection
Reason #6: Poor Market Selection
Reason #7: Not Charging Enough
Reason #8: Blow Up Financially
Reason #9: Failure to Keep Records and/or Actually Look at Them
Reason #10: Lack of Confidence
Reason #11: Failing to Acknowledge How Hard This Really Is
Reason #12: Not Taking This As Serious As You Need To
Reason #13: Not Realizing - This Is A Lifestyle
Reason #14: Focusing on Ideology, Not the Necessary Reality
Reason #15: Poor Execution
Reason #16: Poor Time Management
Reason #17: The 10x Problem
Reason #18: Obsessing on Specifics
Reason #19: Too Much D.I.Y.
Reason #20: Bad Business Partners
Reason #21: The Relationship Falls Apart
Reason #22: Life Gets In the Way
Reason #23: Fighting Reality - Failure to Pivot
Putting It All Together
2. Whole Life Context
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Whole Life Context - What is it?
Lesson 3: An Overview of the Framework
Lesson 4: Where do you want to go?
Lesson 5: Where are you at now?
Lesson 6: Why do you want to go there?
Lesson 7: Is it just you doing this?
Lesson 8: What do you need to create a life like that?
Lesson 9: Putting It All Together
3. Financial Planning for the Entrepreneur
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: What is Financial Planning?
Lesson 3: What is the Financial Function of the Business?
Lesson 4: Where Are You At Right Now in Terms of Savings?
Lesson 5: Where Are You At Right Now in Terms of Debt?
Lesson 6: What Are Your Current Living Expenses?
Lesson 7: What Is Your Current Monthly Income?
Lesson 8: Is It Enough or Not?
Lesson 9: How to Increase Savings
Lesson 10: Creating a Business Budget
Lesson 11: Planning for Profitability
Lesson 12: Now Make Your Decision Based on Numbers
Lesson 13: Managing Expectations by Setting Success Metrics
Lesson 14: Act For The Now, But Think Long Term
Lesson 15: Other Considerations
Lesson 16: Don't Blow Yourself Up Financially
Lesson 17: Putting It All Together
4. Market Analysis
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Checking Out the Competition
Lesson 3: Potential Market Streams
Lesson 4: Competition is Good
Lesson 5: Your Existing Network
Lesson 6: Farm Marketing & Business Planning: Real World Proven Strategies
5. Enterprise Selection
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Defining Your Farm
Lesson 3: Choosing an Enterprise - The Analysis
Lesson 4: Pros & Cons of Pastured Poultry
Lesson 5: Pros & Cons of Pigs
Lesson 6: Pros & Cons of Grassfed Beef
Lesson 7: Enterprise Math - Pastured Poultry
Lesson 8: Enterprise Math - Pork
Lesson 9: Enterprise Math - Grassfed Beef
Lesson 10: Enterprise Math - Potential Farm Profits
Lesson 11: Selecting a Butcher
6. Forming and Organizing Your Farm Business
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Why This Process is Important
Lesson 3: Hobby or Business?
Lesson 4: My Five Rules for Business Formation
Lesson 5: Formalizing Your Business: The Process
Lesson 6: FYB - Step 1: Know Your Local Laws
Lesson 7: FYB - Step 2: Create an Operating Agreement
Lesson 8: FYB - Step 3: Choosing a Business Structure
Lesson 9: FYB - Step 4: Obtaining Your Federal Tax ID
Lesson 10: FYB - Step 5: Maintaining Regulatory Compliance
Lesson 11: FYB - Step 6: Setup Your Business Bank Account
Lesson 12: FYB - Step 7: Accounting - Finding A CPA
Lesson 13: FYB - Step 8: Accounting - First Year To Do's
Lesson 14: FYB - Step 9: Software & Technology
Lesson 15: FYB - Step 10: Insurance Basics
Lesson 16: FYB - Step 11: Transactional Sales
Lesson 17: Other Considerations
Lesson 18: Putting It All Together
7. Branding
Lesson 1: Starting to Think About Your Farm Brand
Lesson 2: 3 Base Principles
Lesson 3: What Goes Into Branding?
Lesson 4: Where Does Branding Go - Websites
Lesson 5: Website & Email Capture
Lesson 6: Where Does Branding Go - Logos & Print Material
Lesson 7: Where Does Branding Go - Social Media & In Person
Lesson 8: Where to Go From Here?
8. Marketing
Lesson 1: What is Marketing?
Lesson 2: 3 Keys to Marketing
Lesson 3: What Are You Actually Selling?
Lesson 4: Understanding Your Customer
Lesson 5: Selling Through Your Story
9. You, Your Supporters and Your Doubters
Lesson 1: Introduction: Failure, Expectations and Emotions
Lesson 2: 8 Macro Lessons on Running A Business in Reality
Lesson 3: Failing is No Longer an Option
Lesson 4: 6 Problems You Will Probably Encounter & How to Deal with Them
Lesson 5: Building Multiple Forms of Capital
Lesson 6: The People In Your Life
10. Transitioning Considerations
Lesson 1: Keys to Success
Lesson 2: Expectations
Downloadable Guides
Choosing a Farmers' Market
Choosing a Butcher
Downloadable Spreadsheets
Broiler Cost Analysis
Recommended Resources
The Expert Series
Darby Simpson: Farm Marketing & Business Planning: Real World Proven Strategies
Greg Judy: Profitable Methods Used to Heal the Land With Mob Grazing
Greg Judy: The Economics for Leasing Land
Lesson 6: Where Does Branding Go - Logos & Print Material
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